Learn Right 4 U
 Word Search Series
Fun, visual tracking exercise, language development, feeling of accomplishment as vocabulary grows.
  • Start with the simplest words using only 10 letters.
  • Then step by step discover each sound and spelling of English words. Next, you find the words for each new sound.
  • Increase visual tracking, working memory & building of an English vocabulary is what you will get from this program.


Start Adding Sounds Here
  1. Initial Sounds - c, a, m, t, f, h, p, i, b, j
  2. g, r, l, o, n
  3. s, sh, d, th
  4. k, u, -nk, -ng
  5. w, wh, ch, v, z, e, BOMP
  6. Compound Word, multi-syllable closed words
  7. VCe words a, i
  8. VCe words o,u,e
  9. Plurals, Possessives, Plural possessives

Filler text. Please replace with your own text.

Generalizations, Rules & Bossy R Are Here
10. ck, tch, qu, x, 
11. y (vowel), long vowels, ph, contractions
12. wild/old words, -ed;/ed/,/d/,/t/
13. 1.1.1. rule, suffix, prefix
14. c/s/,g/j/, ge/dge
15. ey/e/,/a/, o/u/, a/u/
16. a/o/, au, aw
17. er, ur, ir
18. ar/car/,/dollar/, /wart/, or /horn/,/worm/
19. tion, sion
Filler text. Please replace with your own text.

Teams is Here
20. ch/sh/,/k/,u/push/, ie/e/,/i/
21. igh/i/, i/i/,/e/,ea/e/,/e/,/a/
22. ee,ei/e/,/a/, eigh, ai, ay,
23. ew/u/,/oo/,oa, oe
24. oi, oy, oo/food/, book/
25. ou/oo-/,/ow-out/, ue/u/, 
26. /oo/,eu/u/,/oo/
Filler text. Please replace with your own text.

Final Set, less common
27. Silent Consonants
28. ear, our/ear/, ear/air/, /ear/
29. ar, er, err/air, -ard, -ward
30. augh, ough, ou/u/ui/oo/, /i/
31. -age/ij/, -ive/iv/, ice, ace, ise/is/
32. -ine/i/,/in/, -ine/en/, ain/in/
33. -que/k/, -gue/g/, cian/shun/
34. -ture, sure, tu, du, 
35. si, xi, ti/sh/
Filler text. Please replace with your own text.

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© Charlotte Evans