Love Living Life  with PTSD, Anxiety, or ADHD

Are you trying to Live after Trauma? 

Or are you living with someone suffering after Trauma?

I have been there, doing that!

Life is a challenging difficult journey, with lots of emotions for everyone to deal with along the way. I continued to have faith that we will survive & thrive, dealing with life's daily events, through the downs and ups, and come to a happy, healthy, and loving place.

Things to do for you 
1. Take care of yourself, No matter what!

2. Take care of your basic health by doing the simplest things like brushing your teeth, washing your face...

3. Exercise or movement

4. Spend time with yourself-self love

5.  Acknowledge your thoughts - is it true or
 has it just always been like that, Is it from society, parents, or school?
Or an idea you began to believe because of life events, look at it, is it really true? 

Question - Does this thought serve your best interests? Does it match your inner being? Emotions are the result of conflict with your inner being.

6. Use Calming techniques; breathing, triple warmer smoothie, inhaling or applying a pure essential oil, having a raindrop massage, tracing infinity 8's, running your meridians

Your thoughts matter!
"************** "

Do you suffer from anxiety?
Anxiety is
an emotional feeling
A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. 
Desire to do something, typically accompanied by unease

For me it happens when
1. I want to talk to people! I have had a fear of people's reactions to my words, getting my words out as well as putting them in the right order. 
2  I want to create something like a website that involves, writing, reading, communicating, being understood as well as putting meaningful words together that will benefit others 
3. Reading
4. Writing

- a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks.

For support and to learn more join the Girls that Feel Good Community

Do you or someone you know suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Can you see it? What does it look like?
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

A disorder characterized by failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event

The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.

Common Symptoms of PTSD

* vivid flashbacks ( feeling like the trauma is happening right now)
* intrusive thoughts or images
* nightmares
* intense distress at real or symbolic reminders of the trauma
* physical sensations such as pain, sweating, nausea, or trembling

How about Stress?
Good, Bad, Too Much!

Who doesn't have it?

pressure or tension exerted on a material object
a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances
*give particular emphasis or importance to ( a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing
*subject to pressure or tension

Emotional & Mental Health
It all goes together.  Physical, emotional, energetically to make a healthy you!

Attention Distraction Disorder - A.D.D.
 with or without hyperactivity

Mental Health - Wellness

Anxiety because of your Executive Functions
How well do you juggle these things?
What impact does it have on your quality of life?

Too much or not enough is different for everyone.

It affects different areas of one's life.

Dysfunction can look different for each person.

I get it!
I have some understanding of things that can change a mood &  have lasting effects

Things that can help

Breathe in Calm

Energy Medicine

                     Find things that make you smile.

Be Happy
It is your choice
What makes you smile?

STEPS TO Happiness
1. Whether we realize it or not, our thoughts have a powerful influence on our lives. While I understand that you didn't plan for any trauma, accident, or disease to occur, it's important to recognize that sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. However, what truly matters is how we choose to respond to these circumstances and what we choose to think about them.

I want to emphasize that it's not always an easy process, but it's worth it. It requires a level of awareness and effort to evaluate our thoughts. Sometimes, the thoughts we hold onto may not even be true, but we continue to believe them. It's up to us to challenge these beliefs and determine whether they align with our purpose and values.

You have the power to decide whether to continue entertaining negative thoughts or to replace them with something that uplifts you and aligns with the real you. Every small step towards positive thinking has the potential to create a profound impact on your overall well-being.
2. List, discover, and think about … all the things that put a smile on your face! Write them down, have pictures, do it, and see it in your mind's eye.
3. Surround yourself with things that make you smile. Each person's list is unique to them and do not listen to or hear others' judgment. 
4. Become aware of your words and thoughts - ditch & switch 

Have a community of people to support your journey

Tools for emotional shifts
Things that can help in amazing ways. Give it a try!
1. Inhaling specific essential oils
2. Aroma Freedom Technique AFT
3. Emotional Freedom Technique EFT ( Tapping)
4. Breathing exercises
6. Holding Neovascular points
7. Meditation
8. Yoga
Join the community for more supportLearn about them in the Girls Feeling Good community

Shift your body's energy
Amazingly affective
Information on how you can use your meridians to change your current emotional or physical state. You can watch how to do it with Donna Eden or Energy Medicine on youtube, instagram, and facebook

Benefits of a massage
Massage is my first go-to when emotions or pain are a problem. The energy in your hands is magical, then add oil, and love amazing things will happen. I have seen it happen often. You can experience it too!
An amazingly gratifying experience! 

                                        Couples massage                                       
                                        Facial massage
                                        Head massage
                                        Ear massage
                                        Foot massage
                                       Hand massage

There are so many ways to give or receive a massage. Start with what you have and know.
You always have your hands, so start there.
I am a believer in essential oils, they have healing properties that benefit the body. They come from plants and work well in all body systems. They are especially helpful with emotions as by simply smelling an aroma, the molecules go directly through your olfactory system ( smelling) to your limbic system which controls emotions. When applied to your skin, the oils are absorbed and distributed through your body in moments, being utilized where needed. So cool! Remember the same is true about synthetic and fragranced produces, their harm quietly spreads quickly too.

                          Raindrop Massage Technique
Our Life Saver!

Benefits of a Raindrop Massage

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© Charlotte Evans