Abundance Challenge Finance Daily Steps Wednesday

Abundance Challenge Finance Daily Steps Wednesday
Daily Affirmation: I can handle massive success with grace.

Abundance Challenge Finance Daily Steps Tuesday

Abundance Challenge Finance  Daily Steps Tuesday
Daily Affirmation: I use money to better my life and the lives of others.


Abundance Challenge Finance Daily steps Monday

Abundance Challenge Finance Daily steps Monday

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Abundance Challenge Set your goals Sunday

Abundance Challenge  Set your goals Sunday
You are the only person in your life that can discover your true passion. Maybe you already know what that is or maybe it will take a life of exploration. Wherever you are in the process, embrace the journey and be inspired to do the things you love!

Abundance Challenge Relationships Reflections Saturday

Abundance Challenge Relationships  Reflections Saturday

Be sure to note your small wins, as well as the big ones.
For example:
We ate dinner together as a family.
I was able to connect with an old friend.
My children spent 15 entire minutes together without arguing. =)
Share in the comments at least one thing you wrote down. 

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