Unlock Your Potential with Learn Right 4U: Your Pathway to Reading Success!
Are you ready to take control of your learning journey? Whether you're a non-reader, a struggling reader, or simply looking to boost your reading skills, the Learn Right 4U programs are designed to provide you with comprehensive and effective language training. Our unique, multi-sensory approach ensures that you or your child gains the confidence and skill needed to excel in reading, spelling, vocabulary, and more.

Why Choose Learn Right 4U?

Our specialized programs combine years of educational expertise with innovative methods to address the diverse needs of learners. Here's why our methods stand out:
  •  **Multi-Sensory Approach**: We leverage visual, auditory, and kinesthetic methods to ensure you or your child engages with the material fully.
  • **Systematic and Sequential Learning**: Each lesson builds on the last, creating a strong foundation for future learning.
  •  **Phonetic and Analytical**: Our programs teach sound-to-symbol relationships comprehensively, covering all possible spelling options.
  • **Cumulative Practice**: Regular, consistent practice reinforces learning, ensuring that knowledge is retained and easily recalled.
  • **Inclusive Crafting**: Enrichment activities such as word searches, sequencing exercises, and memory training activities make learning fun and engaging.
 Programs Offered

Learn Right 4U Word Search English Program!
Our Word Search English Program is designed to enhance vocabulary, spelling, and sequencing skills through engaging activities and intuitive lessons. Perfect for emerging readers, this course offers numerous booklets and guided material that make learning enjoyable and effective.

Learn Right 4U Multi-Sensory Language Program!

This comprehensive program goes beyond reading to include spelling, vocabulary, sequencing, and phonemic awareness. Through visual and auditory training exercises, learners develop a strong foundation in language skills. Delivered via computer, this program includes paper-based activities and movement exercises to keep the learning multi-sensory and impactful.

Learn Right 4U Memory Training!
Effective memory is crucial for any learning journey. Our Memory Training program is a daily, twelve-week workout for your visual, auditory, working, and muscle memory. This rigorous program guarantees improved retention and recall, enhancing overall learning capacity.

Schedule a free 15 minute memory screening. Just click the link below to access my online calendar and pick a day and time that suits your schedule from my available hours - then I'll send you the zoom link when I double check that nothing else has come up on my schedule.

Flexible Learning Options

We understand that every learner is different. That’s why our programs are flexible enough to cater to individual needs:
  • **Self-Paced Learning**: Complete the material at your own pace, ensuring you fully grasp each concept before moving on.
  • **Private Zoom Classes**: For those seeking more personalized guidance, our expert tutors are available for private Zoom sessions to provide one-on-one support and mentorship. 

Perfect for All Learning Stages

Our programs cater not just to non-readers and poor readers but also serve as an enrichment tool for those looking to enhance their capabilities further. Through our structured materials and personal tutoring, you can dictate your rate of completion and tailor your learning experience to match your discovery path.

Take the First Step Today!

Don’t let reading challenges hold you back. Empower yourself with the skills and confidence to succeed. Sign up for the Learn Right 4U programs and begin your journey toward reading mastery.

Ready to transform your reading skills? Visit our website now to learn more about our programs, schedule a private Zoom class, or enroll in a self-paced course. Unlock your potential with Learn Right 4U today! 

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