Feel like you're lacking in a few areas of your life like confidence, health, relationships, and finances?
Starting today I will challenge you to get intentional and use your Abundance essential oil every single day to bring more abundance into your life.
We will be focusing on four specific categories throughout the month:
Week 1: Confidence & Mindfulness
Week 2: Health
Week 3: Relationships
Week 4: Finances (Career/Life Purpose)
If you want more abundance in these areas in your life, participate every day!
Invite all of your friends to join in on the fun! This challenge is open to anyone.
**** You will need a bottle (or a roll-on) of Abundance oil to effectively participate in this Challenge. *****

Our daily challenges officially kicks off on Monday, but before we get started, let me share a bit about this oil with you.
Abundance is a powerful synergistic blend of 8 essential oils that magnifies the vibration and energy needed to usher abundance into every area of your life. Use Abundance oil to begin to shift your mindset and create an energy that will attract prosperity, joy, and peace.
Are you ready for a shift?! Start thinking about specific areas of your life you want more abundance in.

Topically: Place 3 drops into the palm of your hand. Use the opposite hand to make 3 clockwise circles with your fingertips to activate the oil. Apply to your forehead, temples, back of neck, wrists, or anywhere else. Then cup your hands over your nose and take 3 deep breaths. Note: this oil can be a little hot so add some carrier if needed.
Aromatically: Diffuse 4-6 drops for 20 minutes in the morning while getting ready, on your commute to work, or apply a drop to your diffuser jewelry and enjoy all day long.
For added benefit add a drop of Abundance to your wallet, your journal, your list of goals - wherever you need a little abundance in your life. #mindset

During the month you will focus on bringing more abundance into your life by zoning in on four specific categories:
Week 1: Confidence & Mindfulness
Week 2: Health
Week 3: Relationships
Week 4: Finances (Career/Life Purpose)
Sunday I will announce the topic for that week. Take time to write down your perfect idea of what abundance looks like in the coming week’s category. This will be referred to as your “Abundance Goal.”
Monday - Friday will be dedicated to reminding you to complete four simple steps each day.
Saturday is for reflection. Reflect on the last week and write down all the things that came in abundance.

I am so excited to start this Abundance Challenge with you!
Included with each of the daily steps will be an affirmation for you to say aloud. You can easily refer back to these after the challenge is over. You are free to use your affirmations if none of these resonate with you.
Save this image and keep it handy for the coming weeks.
Once your mindset changes from within, everything on the outside will change with it. The mind is a VERY powerful thing. What you THINK becomes what you DO and what you DO becomes who you ARE.

Daily Affirmation - I have the ability to grow and change
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