Take a technology break.
Unplug it. Turn it completely off. Tuck it away. Do whatever you need to do to step away and give yourself a technology break.
Meditate. Be quiet.
Shhhhh…. Let there be silence! We live in such a go, go, go kind of world. Everywhere you turn there is noise - our phones, the tv, our computers, our families - it’s all around us. Take a minute to sit in the quiet and meditate. This allows you to clear your thoughts and enter into a calm state of mind. It can also lower your stress and reduce brain chatter. Here’s how you do it…

Pamper yourself.
Go ahead… treat yourself to a little pampering! You work hard and you deserve to take a moment to yourself and recoup. Here are some fun ideas…
“Often we are reluctant to promote self-love mostly because we confuse it with selfishness. Since we are humans, we ought to have a healthy love for ourselves; it is from this fount that love flows out to others.” ~ Mason Olds
Are you running yourself ragged? Are you over-extending yourself? Are you setting aside time to recharge? Are you distancing yourself from the chaos? Are you finding a reason to smile? Are you giving yourself grace? Love starts inside, from within. You don’t always have to come last on your list of priorities. Join us for a special 14-day Self-Love series and find new ways to say “I love me!”